
Monday, March 9, 2015

‘Jihadi John’ apologizes to his family

Mohammed Emwazi has apologized to his family for the shame he has heaped on them after being unmasked as the ISIS butcher from Britain known as Jihadi John.
The Sunday Times of London reports that Emwazi, 26, a British computer science graduate, had conveyed his message of regret from Syria via a third party.
He is said to be sorry for the “problems and trouble the revelation of his identity has caused” for his parents and siblings, according to an informed source.
However, Emwazi has not expressed any remorse for his barbaric actions, which have included the on-camera beheadings of a number of Western hostages.
The Londoner’s family, originally from Kuwait, have been forced into hiding after Emwazi was identified as Jihadi John 12 days ago.

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